Irish Family Search

Irish Family Search

Irish Family Search can trace your family/clan from a known relative in the past. For visitors, we can do research on their Irish family connections and place of birth on a commissioned basis.

Upgrade family histories, find lost & living cousins, ancestral homesteads, townlands, parishes, wills, heirs, church/burial sites, DNA analysis, crime/prison records, emigrant ship lists, lectures, exhibitions, guided tours for native culture / past times/ cruise ships. Can explore all Counties in Ireland’s Ancient East, Wild Atlantic way, Breiffne Way, Ballyhoura Country.

Find heirs to the property, grave inscriptions, old-age pensions, dogs licences, electoral lists, folklore, rebellion records, public family trees, message boards. Supply family wall charts, family history booklets, magnifiers. Search proof for those qualifying for Irish citizenship and passport application.

Irish Family Search Vouchers make ideal gifts: Agreed number of research hours, Family wall charts, family history booklets, magnifiers etc.

Irish Family Search is linked to National Library of Ireland, National Archives, Failte Ireland, Discover Ireland, Irish Genealogy Association, Irish Hotel and B&B providers. TV Genealogy Roadshow & US Genealogy Publications contributor.

The culturally curious are welcome to find out what’s needed in a commissioned search. Cead Mile Failte to Irish family researchers who wish to explore their roots and build a family tree with added colour and stories from long lost and living cousins from all counties Antrim to Cork, Donegal to Wexford. Find births, baptisms, marriages and deaths. Find heirs to the property, grave inscriptions, Electoral lists, folklore, message boards and Citizenship application. Solve a Family Mystery!

Irish Family Search can trace your family/clan from a known relative in the past. For visitors, we can do research on their Irish family connections and place of birth on a commissioned basis.

Upgrade family histories, find lost & living cousins, ancestral homesteads, townlands, parishes, wills, heirs, church/burial sites, DNA analysis, crime/prison records, emigrant ship lists, lectures, exhibitions, guided tours for native culture / past times/ cruise ships. Can explore all Counties in Ireland’s Ancient East, Wild Atlantic way, Breiffne Way, Ballyhoura Country.

Find heirs to the property, grave inscriptions, old-age pensions, dogs licences, electoral lists, folklore, rebellion records, public family trees, message boards. Supply family wall charts, family history booklets, magnifiers. Search proof for those qualifying for Irish citizenship and passport application.

Irish Family Search Vouchers make ideal gifts: Agreed number of research hours, Family wall charts, family history booklets, magnifiers etc.

Irish Family Search is linked to National Library of Ireland, National Archives, Failte Ireland, Discover Ireland, Irish Genealogy Association, Irish Hotel and B&B providers. TV Genealogy Roadshow & US Genealogy Publications contributor.

The culturally curious are welcome to find out what’s needed in a commissioned search. Cead Mile Failte to Irish family researchers who wish to explore their roots and build a family tree with added colour and stories from long lost and living cousins from all counties Antrim to Cork, Donegal to Wexford. Find births, baptisms, marriages and deaths. Find heirs to the property, grave inscriptions, Electoral lists, folklore, message boards and Citizenship application. Solve a Family Mystery!